'Crusty Old Fart' (Ron Fisher)Elmer has an outrageous, cantankerous, miserable attitude problem. He has far too many demons in his mental closet, and one would never know what to expect to hear from his rude, acidic mouth. There isn't enough holy water in the world to douse him with, so that rules out exorcism. |  'A Squealing Handicap' (Béla Peter Pfundt)A retired butcher from Britain, Geoffrey has the personality of a distinguished, well-rounded servant to a royal family. During his years at the abattoir, he developed a most peculiar condition. Whenever Geoffrey anticipates an insurgence of intense panic – he squeals like a wild pig. |  'Clouds in The Car' (Robert Wilson)Boss of the driving school waits to see who will be next to drive over a cliff. |
 3 Hail Marys Then Drive (Peter Winders)Father O'Flannigan has reached a pivotal point in his life. After decades of listening to people's lengthy, sorrowful woes in his confession booth, he's ready to throw in the holy towel and embrace retirement with a heavenly sigh of relief. |  'The Joker' (Dave Troyer)Wally is the owner of Wally's Place, a joke and novelty store, which explains Wally's
infectious, laughing persona. He's an exploding bag of stupid, annoying jokes, and it's excruciating for Laszlo to endure. Wally just doesn't know when to stop. |  'German Jetset' (Monika Dudezki)As a European TV celebrity, Heidi travels the world in her private Lear jet, attending lavish parties, fashion runways, and endless shopping sprees. Charming as she may appear, Heidi is a true narcissist who despises the working class or anyone who is generally beneath her status. |
 'Bzzz, Bzzz, Bzzz' (Belą Peter Pfundt)Driving Instructor Lance Leatherneck. |  Driving Instructor (Laszlo Galko)Plagued by whacky, offbeat, adult-driving pupils, an overly frustrated, driving instructor has reached his sanity-breaking point and is ready to jump off a cliff. If there was a PTSD condition for driving instructors, he would be the official poster boy. |  'Bzzz, Bzzz, Bzzz' (John Mumford)It's almost incomprehensible to believe that Butch Sturgeon, who was once an African Safari, Big Game Hunter Guide, is petrified of the jungle, animals, and insects. Butch is getting retested due to severe memory loss caused by a massive attack to the head by African honey bees. |